Meet The Board

Ari Kapelyan
Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Benjamin Malekan
Ben Malekan is a junior from Great Neck, NY studying mechanical engineering. Ben grew up in a Persian family, and celebrates his heritage as the President of the Sephardi/Mizrahi Council. Ben is also involved in the Cornell AutoBoat team, where he designs the chasis of the boat. Ben hopes to share his love for the CJL and to continue to make it the home for all Jews at Cornell.
Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Property Manager
Emmanuel Sasson
Hey! My name is Emmanuel but many people call me Manny so choose as you please. I am a sophomore hailing from the streets of Queens, studying Civil Engineering. Along with many other diverse hobbies, I love woodworking. Throughout my teenage years, I have come to love the art of building and construction. Along with this eccentric hobby, I love eating lunch together with peers, playing guitar, and biking (catch me biking up the slope and breathing heavily one of these days). But most of all I love getting to know people and making new friends. So come by the CJL sometime and let's chat! Can't wait to meet you!!

Property Manager
Ezra Galperin
Shalom Aleichem! Ezra is a freshman from Brooklyn, NY studying Government and Jewish studies. He is very enthusiastic about bagels, with a classic lox and cream cheese as his go-to! He loves soccer and baseball, supporting Arsenal and the New York Yankees as long as he can remember. He also loves to travel, having been to 22 countries. At Cornell, he spends the bulk of his free time at the CJL, playing Wii bowling in the basement and chatting with friends. He hopes that the CJL will bring meaning to so many more as it has brought meaning to him.

Jack Kafif
Jack Kafif has finally found a third place to call home at the CJL in Cornell. Jack is in the College of Engineering majoring in Computer Science. Some of Jack's hobbies include eating Amnon's Pizza, making mean shakshuka, "studying" at 104 west, and looking for places to burn through his BRBs. Jack is greatly looking forward to his many duties as Treasurer, and cannot wait to bring a fun Sephardic spin to the CJL.

Noam Benson-Tilsen
Noam is a very studious junior when he isn't juggling, writing C++, or discussing (debating) transliteration with Aaron Goldgewert. In addition to safekeeping the CJL's finances, he helps lead Shevach, the Conservative minyan at Cornell; ask him about it. He studies Computer Science and Math. If you find him sleeping on one of the CJL's various couches, and you have a spare couple of hours, feel free to wake him up for a game of chess.

VP Communications
Karen Shamir
Karen is a sophomore studying Computer Science in the College of Engineering. You'll often find her studying all around the CJL house. Aside from the studying, she loves exploring her creativity through drawing, baking, writing, and crocheting (sometimes you'll see her with lots of yarn at the CJL). She absolutely loves the CJL and is glad to have memories there to add to her scrapbook, and she looks forward to adding many more!

VP Communications
Benjamin Rosen
Benj is a freshman studying Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering. He is an outdoor enthusiast and loves any opportunity to get outside and hike or ski (when he's not working on p-sets in upper 104!) He is a passionate Denver Broncos fan, and looks forward to any opportunity to grill a steak. He has found a home and a family in the CJL, and is excited to serve this community!

VP Religious Programming
Yehuda Holender
Yehuda is a sophomore studying Biology and Society. He grew up in Los Angeles, graduating from YULA. He then spent half a year at Yeshivat Orayta in the beautiful Old City of Jerusalem, before attending YU and transferring to Cornell. He has a strong passion for Jewish history and - alongside his great friend Aaron - proudly wears the official title of resident "Torah Enthusiast." The CJL is his home and his family, and he is forever grateful to be a part of such an incredible group!

VP Religious Programming
Aaron Goldgewert
Aaron is a freshman studying electrical and computer engineering, unless he ends up majoring in computer science, which is seeming more and more likely by the week. He hails from Teaneck, NJ, and went to Frisch and Yeshivat Har Etzion, making him the one of the most in town Jews in the CJL. Until you get to know him, of course, in which case you'll learn he's just out of town as everyone else. In his free time, Aaron likes to learn Torah, take pictures, learn חדנות, and fall down the slope on his bike. Aaron is extremely excited to be on the CJL board and cannot wait for what the future has to hold.

VP Social Programming
Estee Yankelevitch
Estee is a freshman from Miami, Florida studying Mechanical Engineering. When she is not at dance practice for her Bollywood dance team (go Cornell Sitara!) or crying over the fact that she's not a Hotelie (only a few times a week), you can find her locked in and sipping a matcha latte at the cocktail lounge. With a year of seminary under her belt, she is passionate about strengthening the Jewish community at Cornell. She strongly encourages event requests because she cares about what the people want. She is super excited for the upcoming CJL socials and hopes to see you there!

VP Social Programming
David Erdos
David is a freshman studying Food Science. As a proud member of the Syrian community from Brooklyn, NY, he loves his Syrian food more than anything else. David attended Yeshivah of Flatbush and took a gap year in Israel at Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi. His hobbies include skiing, playing guitar, and contemplating whether or not he actually wants to be premed. He previously served as the official "plan the trip pas the group chat phase" person for his friends back home so he will utilize his abilities and plan some awesome CJL events!