Jewish Life
The CJL cares for a wide variety of Jewish needs. In addition to our dining and residence halls, we have a synagogue with minyan 3 times a day during the week, Shabbat, and holidays.
Each week the CJL creates a full Shabbat experience:
Friday night:
Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat in the CJL shul
Egal Kabbalat Shabbat in Founder's Room
Shabbat Dinner at 104West!
Oneg in the CJL
Shabbat Day:
Shacharit at Anabel Taylor Hall
Kiddush and Pre-Lunch Shiur in the CJL
Lunch at 104West!
Mincha and 3rd Meal at 104West!
Maariv and Havdalah

There is an Orthodox Minyan 3 times a day organized by a student-run organization called Kedma. Teffila is always a vibrant and exciting time in the CJL shul! Also on Friday night, Shevach the conservative egalitarian minyan meets and prays in the Founder's Room in Annabel Taylor.
Beit Midrash
The CJL's beautiful Beit Midrash, located in 104West!, is open to all every day. Twice a week the CJL organizes structured learning events with chulent, snacks, and more, and allows students to arrange chavrutas or initiate Jewish learning on campus.

Holidays at the CJL are filled with yummy food, ruach, and friends! For each chag, the CJL ensures the Jewish community has full minyanim, kosher food, and a unique atmosphere to make the students' chag experience effortless.
The OU Heshe and Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) is a program of the Orthodox Union in partnership with Hillel. The JLIC couple at Cornell, Itamar and Michal Applebaum, are excited to work with the CJL community and help foster thriving Jewish life at Cornell.

Meor is a campus organization group that helps facilitate Torah learning as well as fun events on campus. Twice a week two enthusiastic Rabbeim, Rabbi Harkavy and Rabbi Stengel. come in to meet with and learn together with students.